

[摘要] 据世界卫生组织下属机构国际癌症研究机构的研究,在2012年全世界被诊断为癌症的1400万人中,位于低收入和中等收入国家的占了57%,而在死亡人口中这个比率则为65%。在贫困国家中,因癌症死亡的人要超过艾滋病、疟疾和结核病死亡人数的总和。

Sara Stulac is a paediatrician, but doctors in Rwanda must be adaptable. One of her first patients after arriving from America in 2005 was a young girl with a tumour the size of a cauliflower on her face. The girl's father, a subsistence farmer, had tried traditional healers and local doctors, but the tumour had grown, along with his expenses. An oncologist was needed. If only the country had one. Eventually Dr Stulac called one in America who talked her through the treatment that would save the girl's life.

What makes this story unusual is its happy ending. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer or IARC, part of the World Health Organisation or WHO, low- and middle-income countries accounted for 57% of the 14 million people diagnosed with cancer worldwide in 2012, but 65% of the deaths. Cancer kills more people in poor countries than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.


莎拉思达拉克是一名儿科医生,然而在卢旺达做医生必须有一定的适应能力。2005 年当她从美国到达卢旺达生活后,她接收的第一批病人中就有这么个小姑娘,脸上长了个花菜大的肿瘤。小姑娘的父亲是个仅仅能维持生计的农民,找过当地的医生给她治疗,但是肿瘤还是变大了,开销也越来越大。要是美国有肿瘤学家,他正需要一名肿瘤学家。最终思达拉克医生在美国找到了一位肿瘤学家,那位学者和她探讨了能够挽救小姑娘生命的治疗方法。
