

[摘要]  失眠会引起抑郁的恶性循环。根据国际睡眠基金会的研究发现:睡眠和抑郁性疾病之间有着很复杂的联系,抑郁会引起睡眠问题,睡眠问题又会导致焦虑。合适的睡眠时间也随着年龄,生活方式的不同会有所变化,但是大体来说,每天晚上还是要保证7-8小时的睡眠时间。要是你这样都做不到,那么第二天一定要睡久一点。

   1. Sleep 睡觉

  Losing out on sleep can lead to a downward spiral of depression. According to the National Sleep Foundation:


  The relationship between sleep and depressive illness is complex–depression may cause sleep problems and sleep problems may cause or contribute to depressive disorders.”


  When you lose out on sleep, you become more depressed and when you become more depressed, your sleep can be disrupted. It’s a vicious cycle that can culminate gradually over weeks and months.


  The correct amount of sleep a person requires varies depending on lifestyle and age, but a general rule of thumb is to aim for 7 to 8 hours every night. If you don’t manage to get this amount of sleep, make sure to sleep longer the next day.


  2. Exercise 锻炼

  Not only did exercise work as well as medication, it worked for longer. There are thousands of studies showing the effects of exercise to be extremely beneficial for our physical and psychological health. It could be the most important, yet undervalued, treatment to prevent depression.


  3. Meditation 冥想

  Meditation has been around for thousands of years, but for most of that time it was practiced mainly by monks in spiritual settings. Over the last few decades, however, scientists have started to discover that meditation is one of the most powerful natural interventions for anxiety and depression.


  People who have more activation on the left side of their prefrontal cortex tend to be happier, while those with more activation on their right side tend to be more broody and depressed. If you look at a bell curve, most people fall somewhere in the middle.


  We don’t need to study for eight hours a day to get the benefits of meditation like the monks. Studies have shown that 15 minutes a day can produce incredible results with just eight weeks of practice.


  4. Find your passion 找到你感兴趣的事

  People adapt very quickly to life’s pleasures and pains. If we win a lot of money, we feel a high and then we get used to having lots of money. If we get fired, we feel low and then eventually bounce back.


  There are some things, however, that we don’t adapt to: passion. I would wager that the best actors in the world would continue to act even if they became the richest people on Earth. I would also wager that the richest CEOs in the world use only money as a measurement of their success, not as a means to live extravagantly.


  You must find your passion. It is a happiness well that never dries out. It could be writing, creating, helping people, self-improvement, sport, or anything that engages you and provides the right amount of challenge and stimulation.


  If you follow these 4 steps, not only will you be able to prevent depression naturally, you’ll also be even happier than people who aren’t depressed.
