

[摘要] 周末如期而至,这个周末你都安排了什么节目呢?怎能浪费这大好春光宅在家中?一起来来看看御宅族们可以在周末做的10件事吧!其中既有户外型的,又有适合都市人的;不论你是约会,还是欢度家庭时光,都能从中发现不错的活动建议哦!

The weekend’s here and you’re thinking about your plans. Here are 20 fun things to do this weekend. This list has ideas for everyone, from the outdoorsy types to the city slickers. Perhaps you have a new date, or you want to do something with the family. Whatever the case may be, you have lots of great activities from which to choose.


1. Take a Walk Around the Lake


Find a lake with a walking path and bring your partner or your canine companion. Enjoy the views, get some exercise and feed the ducks. Then, stop for some iced tea at the lakeside restaurant.


2. Go On a Hike


Many areas have hikes of varying lengths within city limits or a few miles outside of the city itself. You can choose shorter, more level hikes or head to the mountains and make it an all-day affair. Don’t forget good shoes, water, sunblock, and a hat.


3. Go On a Bike Ride


Rent a bike from the local bike shop or ride your own. Map out a route and calculate the distance using a bicycling app on your smartphone. Take extra water and don’t forget to wear a helmet. This can be a fun activity for kids, too.


4. Start a Fun, New Weekend Craft


You know that old dresser in your room that you’ve been wanting to spruce up? Get some sandpaper, wood stain and polyurethane and turn that dresser into a beautiful piece of furniture.


5. Go On a Picnic


Find a local park or recreation area and bring food and games for a day of fun. Play Frisbee, horseshoes, volleyball, soccer, or take a short hike. You might be able to swim or fish, rent a paddle boat, or find a comfortable spot to read a book.


6. Go to a Karaoke Bar


Sing to your favorite songs while enjoying the company of good friends. Order food, have a beverage and make a night of it.


7. Read a Book then See the Movie


When you read a good book, chances are it’s turned into a movie. Books like Harry Potter and The Help are recent popular favorites.


8. Go To a Tea House


Change it up a bit and instead of going for the coffeehouse, look for the tea house. You can sample different teas, try tea in loose leaf form or try out unusual herbal blends from all over the world.


9. Run a 5K


Running in a 5K is a great way to get in shape. Often, you can participate for charity or just for fun. Either way, recruit your friends or have them cheer you on. There are even 5K’s that are kid-friendly.


10. Shop Garage Sales


Check your local listings and set up a route to hit a lot of garage sales in one day. This is a great opportunity to find furniture, household items and stylish clothes at incredible prices.


Have Fun!


With this list of ideas, you’re sure to have plenty to do for a weekend of spontaneity, fun, and relaxation. You might learn a few things, see a play you’ve never seen, but you definitely won’t be bored.
